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What's Up with My Referral Traffic in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

Written by Bizco Technologies | April 24, 2024


Hey there, website warriors! Have you noticed a weird jump in your referral traffic lately? Like, way more clicks than usual coming from strange websites you've never heard of? You're not alone. Buckle up, because we're about to dissect this mysterious traffic surge and show you how to handle it. 


Fake Referral Traffic Infiltrating Google Analytics 

Imagine this: You check your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) report, feeling happy about all the visitors rolling in. But wait, something's fishy. There's a massive spike in referral traffic, and the sources? Websites with names like "" or "" Not exactly confidence-inspiring, right? 

These shadowy characters are actually malicious, foreign websites trying to trick you. They send fake clicks to your site, hoping you'll get curious and click back on their link. That's where the real danger lies – their sites might be infected with viruses just waiting to pounce on your computer. 


How to Spot the Sneaky Clickers 

Here's the good news: this fake traffic isn't harming your website itself. It's just a lure to get you to click the bad links, kind of like a fisherman with a worm. But how can you identify these online scammers in your GA4 report?  

Well, start with these red flags:  
  • Suspicious URLs: The website names will be strange and unfamiliar, often ending in ".website" or ".store." 
  • Zero Engagement: These fake clicks won't lead to any real visitors. You'll see a bunch of users with 0 session time and 0 page views. 
  • Multiple Users, No Action: There might be a high number of "users" from these sites, but none of them will actually do anything on your website. 
And, here's how to find these imposters in your GA4 report: 
  • Go to the "Traffic Acquisition" report. 
  • Click the blue "+" symbol in the first column and choose "Traffic Source" > "Session Source." 
  • Look for rows marked as "Referral" with website names that match the red flags above. 
  • Don't Panic 
  • Take Action! 
If you spot these shady characters, here's what to do: 
  • Breathe Easy: Your website isn't compromised, just targeted. 
  • Armor Up: Update your antivirus software on all your devices. 
  • Do a Security Check: Double-check your website's security settings. It's always good practice! 
  • Spread the Word: Tell anyone with access to your GA4 not to click on these suspicious links. 
  • Filter Out the Noise: Use GA4's filters to exclude this fake traffic from your reports. It won't stop the bots, but it'll keep your data clean. 
  • Stay Vigilant: Keep an eye on your website and its reports for anything suspicious. 

What if you accidentally clicked a bad link? Don't freak out! Just update your antivirus software immediately and run a thorough scan. If you're worried, reach out to your IT team for further assistance. 

Addressing Common Concerns 

You might be worried about the impact of fake referrals on your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Here's the deal: Google is aware of these tactics and has sophisticated filters in place to weed them out when ranking websites. So, while these fake clicks won't magically propel you to the top of the search results, they also won't significantly hurt your rankings. Think of an SEO-focused spam filter, but not for your inbox. 

Another concern might be that these fake clicks are a gateway to more sophisticated attacks on your website. So, keep your website updated with the latest security patches, as there could easily be many other vulnerabilities to exploit. 

Referral Traffic Needs More than Google Analytics 

Fake referral traffic can be a nuisance, but by understanding the signs and acting, you can keep your website safe and your GA4 reports accurate. Remember, knowledge is power! Stay informed about these digital tricks and keep your website safe and ready for real visitors. 

While these strategies can help, website security can be a complex landscape. If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure how to implement these measures, consider reaching out to a managed IT service provider like Bizco Technologies. We offer free consultations to discuss your specific needs, so don't hesitate to reach out today!